The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) has over 18,000 students and 1,500 dedicated employees located in 8 campuses, with a significant regional foundation and a strong presence in one of Norway’s most exciting and dynamic regions. USN participates or coordinates projects funded through Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, Eurostars, INTERREG, EEA grants and COST Actions. USN participates in HEI educational development programmes including Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships and Capacity Building, and through projects funded by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education. USN has experience and competence in coordinating, implementing and reporting EU-funded projects and collaborating with international partners across sectors and cultures. USN endorses the EU Charter and code principles and has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research status. USN offers two relevant cross-disciplinary PhD programme one in Ecology and one in Person-Centred Healthcare.
University of south-Eastern Norway
Prof. Rigmor Baraas
Head of the Colour Vision and Retinal Imaging (CVRI) Lab at the National Centre of Optics, Vision, and Eye Care. Professor in optometry and vision science at the University of South-Eastern Norway
Supervisor of the doctoral candidates DC1 and DC9
PhD in visual neuroscience. Research on understanding colour vision, retinal structure, eye growth, and refractive errors such as myopia, along with functional, environmental, and genetic associations.
Dr. Lene a. Hagen
Core member of the CVRI lab at the National Centre of Optics, Vision, and Eye Care. Associate professor in optometry and vision science
PhD in person-centred healthcare. Work on the development of the eye and visual function, visual electrophysiology, and the associations between environmental factors and refractive errors
Stuart J. Gilson has a PhD in computer science from the University of Southampton and is an associate professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and a core member of the of the CVRI Lab at the National Centre of Optics, Vision, and Eye Care. His research includes developing software to enable researchers to investigate the eye and the retina using data from multiple modalities and using virtual reality as a tool to explore human vision capabilities. Dr. Gilson will support in terms of data science and database management.
prof. Maureen neitz
Chair in Ophthalmology at the University of Washington
Honorary member of the CVRI Lab at the National Centre of Optics, Vision, and Eye Care
Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology. Research includes work on colour vision, gene therapy, and the prevention the myopia