Eberhard Karls Universität tübingen, Germany
The Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (UT) is one of Germany’s few Excellence Universities and has about 28,000 students. One of UT’s four founding faculties is the Faculty of Medicine. With its non-clinical facilities as well as its research and teaching area, the Faculty of Medicine is one of the largest medical training and research institutions in Baden-Württemberg.
The Institute for Ophthalmic Research headed by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Ueffing cooperates closely with the University Eye Hospital headed by Prof. Dr. med. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt under the umbrella of the Centre for Ophthalmology. The Institute aims at uncovering the causes for degenerative, inflammatory, neoplastic, and vascular diseases of the eye and at developing diagnostics and therapies based on these discoveries. Translational research is jointly performed with the University Eye Hospital. The Institute houses several scientific teams who work together to analyze genetic variation, relevant pathways and disease mechanisms at molecular, cellular and systemic level. These teams offer a multifaceted portfolio of competences including multi-omics approaches, computational biology, pathophysiology and toxicology, neurophysiology, pre-clinical studies and clinical trials. Together with partners in academia and industry, they develop and evaluate concepts for novel diagnostics and therapies. A variety of large-scale projects funded by the European Union, the Federal Ministry of Research, the German Research Council, and private foundations have created a high level of cooperation.
DR. Marita Feldkaemper
scientific coordinator of the network
supervision of doctoral candidates DC2 and DC7
working in the field of myopia research for more than 25 years, especially in gene expression studies, biochemistry, and pharmacological studies
managing coordinator of the MyoTreat project
since 2006 managing RP6, RP7, H2020 and Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie training networks (DNs, ITNs, RTNs, ESTs), and other EU collaborative projects
worked in the myopia research field as diploma student, PhD student and early postdoc
Dr. Sigrid Diether
Dr. Sven Schnichels
co-supervisor of DC2 and DC7
studies on drug delivery, investigating disease mechanisms and testing novel therapeutic approaches, biocompatibility and efficacy testing for new drugs